Sunday 31 March 2013

Simple Facts About Penis Enlargement

Penis enlargement has been a hushed but important issue among the male population. In fact, some have believed for a long time that the length of this part of the male body can be determined upon knowing the size of the hands or feet of a person. This and other assumed indications were very much doubted for years. However, only recently Korean scientists were able to deliver a more trustworthy assumption. They assert there is significance in comparing the index finger's distance end to end of a man to that of his ring finger. The lower the comparison merely shows there is more possibility for the penis to be greater in length.
Regular exercise

It is necessary to have daily erections and exercise to maintain the shape of the penis and steer clear of penis enlargement methods. In order to be healthy, the penile muscles particularly the smooth muscles should be supplemented with oxygen at regular times. This occurs with the quick flow of blood that enlarges the penis and makes it erect.
REM sleep causes erection
If a male person experiences no difficulty in having erections but never having this in the daytime, he probably thinks he has libido dysfunction. However, this is nothing to fret about. The human brain specifically works to maintain the functions of the penis. Brain impulses bring about erections at some point in the REM or dreaming level of sleep. This happens regardless if the person is having erotic or scary dreams. The penis erects all through that moment of the sleep cycle. However, there are males who have no physiologic capacity to obtain erection. Some men may have had trauma or injury to the nerves or had damaged their blood vessels in this region of the human anatomy because of certain illnesses. If they do not exercise or have regular erection, the penis will shorten. Devoid of regular erections, the tissue involved can turn out less stretchy and eventually reduce in size. This can leave the penis less than half an inch shorter. A piece of equipment such as a vacuum pump works to engorge the penis with blood. This aids the men who are experiencing difficulty with their erections to maintain the health of the penis.
Comparison of sizes between flaccid penises of different lengths
There is no exact relationship in the size of the flaccid penis and the length when it is totally erected among male individuals. A research study indicates that enhanced lengths between flaccid and erect vary significantly. The increases in length are from a fourth of an inch to three and a half inches longer. Clinically, these outcomes may not be relevant but among males these are immensely significant. It is not reasonable to consider that a man with a huge, soft penis can become larger during an erection. While another male person whose penis appears small may possibly obtain an unexpectedly huge erection.
A sex research specialist who investigates penis enlargement made a study by taking more than one thousand measurements. The result of the study indicated that shorter penises that are not erected have a tendency to increase approximately doubling the measurement of longer penises not erected. Therefore, there are penises that do not increase much in length during erection, while others increase significantly in length during erection. This data indicates that majority of males do not experience significant increases in penile length with erection. More or less twelve percent of the penises increased up to a third or less of the entire length with erection. At the same time, approximately seven percent increased twice the length during erection.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Delayed Ejaculation - The Third Most Common Sexual Dysfunction

By John Dugan
If it takes you forever to orgasm during sex, you may have delayed ejaculation. Delayed ejaculation, also known as retarded ejaculation, a type of sexual dysfunction in men that occurs in approximately 7% of the population, and doctors say it is becoming more and more common. For men who have experienced premature ejaculation, this "problem" of delayed ejaculation may sound like a dream come true. But in actual fact delayed ejaculation, when it becomes chronic, can cause tension, anxiety, relationship problems, and just make sex feel like a lot of work. Vitamins and minerals, herbs, hypnosis, counseling and medications are among some of the options available to men who want to combat this issue. Go to your doctor to rule out any underlying problems first.
Often men with ejaculatory problems have no problems attaining or maintaining erections -- quite the opposite. However, in these cases orgasm only occurs after a long period of time, if at all. For some men this condition is a lifelong problem, while for others it can begin quite out of the blue. Possible causes of delayed ejaculation include prostate disease, infections, male hormone imbalances, prescription medications, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, nerve damage, spinal cord damage, multiple sclerosis, dry or rough skin, and physical trauma to the local genital region. According to Michael A. Perelman, Ph.D., in a feature article published online by The International Society for Sexual Medicine, men suffering from delayed ejaculation, unrelated to a disease or medical condition, often have fears around impregnating their partners, experience guilt or anxiety over masturbation, and are often from a orthodox/fundamentalist religion background.

When experiencing delayed ejaculation, it is common for men to seek out medications such as PDE-5 inhibitors or herbal sex pills. These options might help to restore a lost erection, but men with delayed reactions may experience mixed results. In some cases an erection is maintained, but orgasm is just as difficult to attain. The Mayo Clinic recommends several medications as possible treatments for delayed ejaculation, but only in combination with treating the root cause -- be it the emotional and psychological tensions around sex, or a physical condition that may be at the root of the delayed ejaculation. Before a man self-medicates for his condition, the best option is to go see the doctor and get tested -- blood tests, urine tests and physical examinations will rule out possible physical causes that may be easily remedied.
Alternative medicines
There are alternative medicines that may help with delayed ejaculation, but it always depends on what is causing the problem in the first place. Many vitamins and supplements such as Kava (Piper methysticum), B-Complex and magnesium are known to reduce anxiety and stress. Some supplements and nutrients modulate male hormones, such as Ginseng (Panax ginseng), Nettle root (Urtica dioica), vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin B5, zinc and whey protein. These may be beneficial for libido, arousal and firmness. The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia suggests that hypnosis may also be a useful adjunctive treatment option for men suffering from delayed ejaculation. But one word of warning: a study published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine in 2007 suggests that high serotonin and oxytocin levels may be involved in the inhibition of orgasm and ejaculation. While more research in this area is required, some herbs are thought to affect serotonin and oxytocin levels -- in particular St John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum), Rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea) and Griffonia Bean (Griffonia simplicifolia). Use these herbs and supplements containing these herbs with caution.
Topical treatments
Using topical products on the penis can have a range of benefits for men with delayed ejaculation. Specialist formulas (most professionals recommend Man1Man Oil) contain a range of beneficial nutrients and oils that support healthy circulation and nerve function. Vitamin C, E and B5 support testosterone production and effect nitric oxide (NO) levels for healthy erections. Alpha-lipoic acid is another active ingredient that has been well-researched for its ability to support nerve function and regenerate damaged nerves. Apply penis health crèmes as directed to improve penis sensitivity -- a completely natural approach to increase arousal, pleasure and promote a healthy male orgasm.

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Penis Enlargement Methods - Everything You Need to Know For Your Enlargement

By Lawernce Willianms

The issue on penis enlargement methods has been a common query. Does the size of penis matter in attaining sexual pleasure? What is the best size of a penis? Can penis be enlarged? What are the methods of penis enlargement? Are they safe and effective? These are only a few of the questions in your mind. Positive information can make you indulge in penis enlargement methods.
Does the size of penis matter in attaining sexual pleasure? The answer is a YES. Although many women are not straightforward, studies reveal that women enjoy bigger penis in sexual intercourse.
What is the best size of penis? There is no definite answer to this. However, it was disclosed that the average size of penis is 6 inches. If your penis size is below this, then you have to do something. If it is an average size, you still have to do something. And if it is longer, it is still suggested that you do something. A little sacrifice will give you a permanent enlargement.

Can penis be enlarged? The answer is YES. Research, studies and statistics attest to the truth that the penis can be enlarged. There are methods that have proved effectiveness.
What are the penis enlargement methods? There are many penis enlargement methods but the five most common are exercise, surgery, pills, patches, extenders or stretchers.
Are they safe and effective? Some are safe, some are risky. Some are effective - permanency of the enlargement, some are not.
Here is an analysis of the safety and effectiveness of the five common methods.
Exercise - This is the natural method of penis enlargement. Of the five, this is also the easiest to do and the safest means. Although it will require consistency and determination, the penis will enlarge in six months time. The fact - the enlargement is permanent. The risk - improper execution of the exercise can cause penile soreness and redness.

Sunday 17 March 2013

Can Male Sexual Enhancement Pills Increase Your Overall Sex Drive?

By Jenny Willston
Expert Author Jenny Willston

The question which is a pain in the neck is that can the male sexual enhancement pills increase your over all sex drive? Males are trying hard to know the exact truth and reality about the use of male enhancement pills. The answer is yes. Of course the male enhancement pills do work towards increasing the sexual drive of a male. The pills provide strong and effective nutrients which helps in incrementing the libido on a faster note and that also in natural way. Read on and you will learn more about the pills and their effectiveness. If you really wish to have powerful erections as well as highly satisfied sexual intercourse then just go through the matter.
Whatever you eat is reflected in your body. This is the scientific fact. If you are in taking correct nutrients then surely the sex drive will increment as well as the duration and strength of the erection.
Supercharge Your Libido with male enhancement pills!
In order to have powerful erection males require good production of nitric oxide in the body. It is the key chemical. It relaxes and broadens your blood vessels in order to increment the flow of blood inside the penis. Therefore, your erection lasts long. The Chinese herbs present inside the sex enhancement pills work like drugs to increment the production of nitric oxide and also inhibit the PDE-5 chemical too. These herbs are Horny Goat weed, Cnidium and Ginseng.
Gensend and Cnidium are used to increment the flow of blood all over the body so that sufficient blood reaches the male genitals (penis). In order to receive powerful libido you need powerful and healthy circulation of blood.
Another important fact is that the Testosterone inside males is the chief hormone to offer great and high level sexual drive. The Ginseng and Horny Goat Weed helps naturally to improve the testosterone production in males.

Penis enlargement Pills Increase Sex Drive!
The Horny Goat Weed performs important function to increase the sexual drive. This herb decreases stress and further enhance the level of energy inside males which benefits in sexual drive.
Many male sex enhancement pills contain Schizandra Berries which are strong enough to improve the stamina and energy level, fight against fatigue and to give power to the sexual organs in a general way. The pills which you are using must be containing natural ingredients which can act in a better way. They must have high standard too.
Increase Sexual and as well as over all Wellness!
Natural male sexual enhancement pills Sex Enhancement Pills makes your sexual life completely satisfied and fulfilling. At the same time it improves the over all wellness of the individual. Isn't that great? All over the world, males are turning up towards the use of sexual enhancement pills in order to boost up their stamina and performance of the penis. The industry producing these pills is making huge business all around the world. The pills not only work hard on improving the sexual drive but also increase the sexual confidence in the males. The erections will be firmer and will last for longer time span.

Saturday 16 March 2013

How To Treat Sexual Problems In Older Women

By Ajeet Gautam
Expert Author Ajeet Gautam

It is a well-known fact that as women start aging they tend to get stiff and after a certain age completely lose interest in sexual activities. This is a very common complaint of sexually active men who have such aging partners and this situation can easily lead to problems in a relationship and sometimes even separation. In this article let us discuss about some of the ways through which older women can revive their sexual life and also find out some of the common reasons which can lead to low libido in women.
There are many factors that can contribute to loss of libido in women like hormonal imbalance, bodily changes, stress, depression, menopause, undesirable sexual partner and so on. It is advisable to consult a sexual expert for such a situation as he will be able to map out the exact form of treatment which is best suited for you.

Normal Treatment Techniques For Enhancing Libido In Aged Women
The number one problem faced by elder women is their vagina losing its firmness. It leads to unsatisfied sexual sessions as the feeling of penetration is completely lost both partners do not enjoy sex satisfactorily. In recent past this problem has been kept under control by women through the use of vagina tightening creams and kegel exercises which target the pelvic area.
Vaginal dryness is another problem faced by women normally during menopause due to lack of estrogen. When a vagina is dry sex can become very painful hence women try to avoid sexual intercourse in order to escape pain associated with sex. This problem can also be overcome through the use of natural vaginal lubricating creams. These creams help in optimum lubrication of a vagina and almost completely eradicate the pain during sex.

Hormonal imbalance is also a major cause of sexual problems in women. A large majority of women feel stressed out during the early phase of menopause and deficiency of estrogen during such a phase can lead to lack of sexual desire, insomnia and hot flashes.
In such a case women can take the help of natural herbs which can help in fulfilling the deficiency of estrogen in the body. Herbs like fenugreek and wild yam and saw palmetto have high estrogen content and are generally used to enhance sexual drive in women. Herbal products like Femvigor can be used in such a situation.
Spend Time With Your Partner
This is the most important aspect of treatment in any type of medical problem. It is very important to discuss your problems with your partner which will help in strengthening your relationship. You can plan a dinner together, watch her favorite movies and do whatever you think can help in getting that spark back into your love life.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Penis Enlargement - Increase Your Penis Size Without Side Effect!

By  Joey River
Penis enlargement gadgets industry is growing at a fast pace with new introductions in market each day made by people who have been researching this particular field for a long time. The reason behind this is clear, more and more number of men are finding it difficult to retain the male power they had when they were young.
There are several reasons why men require male enlargement, these reasons range from mental problems to having to fight with stress constantly and a dissatisfying personal life. This makes it difficult for the men to concentrate on sex and hence these problems. These problems give rise to dissatisfaction among partners and increasing complications in life.
Penis enlargement addresses a number of sexual problems in men and not just the size of penis. It enables men to once again have powerful erections like they did when they were younger, these techniques also help them regain control over ejaculations, and of course it increases size of the penis making it all the more interesting for their partners.

Penis enlargement can be done as discreetly just in case you do not want to let your partner know about this. Inventors have created several such techniques that work all day long and your partner will not even suspect that you are trying for penis enlargement.
One of such techniques is the penis enlargement patch, designed to look like any antiseptic strip this patch contains herbal mixture that has been scientifically created to work through the skin, this will help you get an enlarged penis and be really discreet about it. You can stick the patch anywhere on your skin and the medicine is transferred to the skin to provide more effective power to your penis.
Penis enlargement techniques also include the pills and liquid medicine that is packed in small bottles that can be carried anywhere with you, you can just pop in the required dosage and gain penis enlargement without anyone suspecting it. Most of the penis enlargement products do carry information but do not overtly state the purpose of this medicine, it is for the user only, and therefore any other person looking at the container is less likely to suspect it as a penis enlargement product.
Those who have abundant privacy and time can use other products like the extenders, tractions, massage creams, etc. These techniques require you to give time and also require some personal space, therefore there are ideal for those who live alone, and not for those with family and children around them. Penis enlargement products are available online, these products mention how these products will look like once you receive these, therefore you can select those which are most likely to have blank labels or something that does not have a label that mentions what it contains overtly.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Proven Penis Enlargements

By Joseph Holyoke

This is a dangerous question because in this industry every penis enlargement is proven - but really is not. There is some penile enlarger equipment that promises to add astonishing gains but you can never find any journals backing their claims. You will find a plethora of people advocating the product but that is user opinion and more than likely resellers of the product. What you first need to ask yourself is: Do I want permanent results? If that answer is "yes", then the only proven penile enlarger device are extenders. There are two renowned journals that have published positive results about extenders (also known as extenders), the International Journal of Impotence Research and the British Journal of Urology. If you have a couple thousand dollars lying around then surgery, in particular girth and prosthetic operations, are successful when it comes to penis enlargements.
If you answer "no" to the question above then your options broaden. A favorite penile enlarger is the pump; which is used medically to combat erectile dysfunction and impotence. Penis enlargements gained from pumps is temporary but they do produce results. There is also a very popular combination with this penile enlarger and that is the clamp, or cock ring. Together they both elongate the penis and hinder the flow of blood back into the penis.
What about pills as a penile enlarger? You have heard this answer before and it is true; there is no proven data supporting pills as a successful penile enlarger. There convenient and some do increase blood flow into the penis making the organ appear bigger than it is. However, expect the blood-engorged penis to subside within the hour. Until pills can stretch or somehow elongate the tendons of the penis do not expect any miraculous results.

I always strive to push safety on my blog when using penile enlargers. I found a story online that illustrates beautifully the consequences of putting too much strain on your organ.
The Penile Enlarger that Nearly Cost a Man His Penis
Penis enlargements have the possibility to seriously damage our organ. On this blog I consistently tell my readers to use any penile enlarger with respect. There was an incident two years ago that made national headlines regarding a man who decided to use dumbbells to stretch his penis. As far penis enlargements go, I will repeat myself, hanging is dangerous. There are many in the community that will email me retorts on how they have been hanging without incident for quite some time. The fact of the matter is that men are crafty, in the sense that if we think there is a cheaper route, we will take it.
Unfortunately for the man that invented his own penile enlarger, his manhood was promptly sawed off. Later through surgery, his luck improved, doctors were able to reattach the penis. This is not some scare tactic, it is a realistic warning for all of you not to take the cheap way out. Penis enlargements themselves have their own inherent dangers there is no sense in escalate the risk of your chosen penile enlarger.
Are there people in the community that use hangers and have had success, absolutely. However, consider the risks. This man above did not tear his organ, his shaft actually swelled so much that authorities (and emergency response) were unable to remove it. Besides the risk of swelling there is tearing which one slip can mean catastrophic damage to your penis. Tearing of the smooth muscle fibers, nerves, corpus cavernosum, spongy tissue, veins and arteries can lead to erectile dysfunction and impotency. Next time, when you purchase your next penile enlarger I urge you to take care and respect the device, pill or exercise. Do not make an undersized penis the least of your worries.

Friday 1 March 2013

One male enhancement review is much like another. "This product will turn you into a sexual Superman, etc..." It's all nonsense. The great majority of herbal impotence medicines are filled with diluted and weak herbs. Herbal manufacturers can do whatever they want since the government has very little control over them.
It's unfortunate, because herbs have helped men deal with sexual problems for thousands of years. Ancient tribes around the earth recognized the medicinal properties of herbs and used them all the time. These tribes were able to get hold of remarkably high-quality herbs, which is much harder today.
Many folks are skeptical regarding the curative power of plants. But they should know that there are literally hundreds of pharmaceutical drugs used in hospitals nowadays that are based upon chemical compounds found in plants. Over half of all cancer drugs can be traced back to compounds found in plants. That's why the Wall Street Journal recently published an article saying that many herbal treatments "are now scientifically documented to be not only medically effective but also cost effective."

Herbs can help your body create extra testosterone. They can also increase your body's power to pump blood. And they can strengthen the ejaculatory system and boost sexual stamina and the strength of orgasms. If you mix these herbs together, the result can be the type of sex life you've always wanted.

But it's vital to use only the highest-quality herbal ingredients you can find. And the amounts have to be big enough to genuinely have an effect. Try to follow this advice when searching for an herbal medicine:

--The product you choose should be manufactured by a company that's upstanding, reputable, and that has a fine history.
--The herbal ingredients should always be closely screened for impurities and strength.
--A product that has a high re-order rate is preferable, because folks plainly like what the product does for them.
--It's a good idea to find a manufacturer that's located in the United States and follows FDA policy.

If you're having difficulty getting and maintaining an erection in bed, then you owe it to yourself to try a high-quality herbal medicine. You can easily order one over the internet; no prescription is needed. And there are no awful side effects connected with natural medicines.

Remember, though, when you take an herbal medicine, don't expect quick results. You have to wait a bit until the herbs build up. But it will be worth the wait if you're taking a first-rate product.