Saturday 13 April 2013

Swollen Prostate Medication - Do Sex And Water Work Better?

If you are wanting to avoid swollen prostate medication due to potential side effects, yet still want to eliminate the pain you are feeling now, then check this out.
Medication is not always the answer.
Yes, it can help.

And, it has helped men before (and presumably will help people in the future).
But, there are also some extremely simple, non-invasive and, in some cases, even fun, things you can also try for your enlarged prostate problem that might work even better than swollen prostate medication.
One thing you can do is have more sex.
Having sex is great prostate "medicine."
It helps keep your prostate cleaned out of toxins, poisons and carcinogens. And it has been shown that men who have more sex often experience far less prostate symptoms than men who rarely or never have sex. Plus, sex is a great natural stress reliever, too. And what many men don't realize is, a lot of times prostate symptoms and pain are made worse by stress and anxiety.
Another thing you can do is drink more water.
Water is not called "the elixir of life" for nothing.
Clean, fresh water makes all your bodily systems, organs and glands (especially your prostate) work and function better.
A good thing to do is drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water each day.
This may make certain urinary symptoms worse at first, but over time I think you will find those symptoms going away.
And that is all there is to it.
If you want a couple of natural alternatives to swollen prostate medication, try sex and water.

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